s » Updates on what’s going on Updates on what’s going on – A.W. Strunk A.W.Strunk

Updates on what’s going on

January 8, 2013 By: Aaron

Certification Update:
I started my training videos and course work for CompTIA A+.
This one should be quick since most of the material in the A+ certification are things that I already know and do as part of my job. I am planning to take the exam in February after I finish going through the videos and doing some practice exams.

Charity Update:
I found out the other day that they will be updating the Extra Life site in a few weeks to get set up for the 2013 competition. I’m looking forward to getting an earlier start this year and I have a few people I know in town that are wanting to participate as well so I’m thinking we’ll do our own local team and look for opportunities to get out in the community to promote the fundraising effort. My own personal goal this year is to double what I raised in 2012.

I am still looking to do my first volunteer duty for PCH this month. I get their emails asking for volunteers, just need to find one that occurs on the weekend.

Gaming (GW2):
My Thief in GW2 has reached level 80, currently I have Thursday nights slotted to grouping with the guys I play with (unless something more important is planned). Jan. 3rd was the first night we all ran an instance as a guild, it was fun hanging out online with everyone and killing things.

I found out that the LiveStream software I use on my computer to stream my gameplay does not hook into GW2 for some reason. I’m thinking it might be a DirectX issue but I’m not 100% sure. I’ve tried running the game in both Windowed mode and Full Screen with the same result. The software fails to load the control overlays inside the game and ProCaster freezes up. So I am currently looking into other software that will allow me to live stream my gameplay.

I can honestly say that I made that small turn in the steering wheel, now I just need to stay dedicated down this path and see where it leads. You can never know where a path might lead you, all you can do is make the best decisions you can with your goal in mind.