Category: Dessert

Strawberry Sorbet/Pops

 4-6 medium strawberries Approximately 3 cubes of ice Any powdered or flavored stevia to taste ½ teaspoon vanilla powder or cocoa (optional) 2 tablespoons lemon juice ¼ cup water Blend ingredients together until smooth. Pour into a dish or Popsicle molds and freeze until firm. Makes 1 serving (1 fruit) Modifications: Add half and half or […]

Caramel Apple Pie

1 apple 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon water 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar 1 packet powdered stevia 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Pinch of nutmeg 1 tablespoon water English toffee stevia to taste Slice apple into very thin slices. Arrange in layers in a round 3 inch crème Brule dish. For each layer, sprinkle generously with […]